Dear JEEP Supporters,
I, Mike Kloss, just returned from a twenty-day trip to Eastern Europe. First, I joined Reformed Evangelical Church in Wroclaw, Poland for their family camp. This was not a JEEP related event, but I spent time with our Hus presbytery brothers and sisters from all three Polish Churches at the camp. REC in Wroclaw is a wonderful and vibrant church where Pastors Marek and Sebastian are doing a wonderful work.
The official JEEP trip began on August 16th when I joined Pastor Bogumil, Dr. Dan Doolittle and Pastor Garry Vanderveen in Warsaw, Poland and proceeded toward Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. We traveled in Bogumil’s new van provided by all of you. It was full of supplies for the saints in Ukraine. We arrived safely in Ivano-Frankivsk proceeding directly to dinner with the Ukrainian ministers. It was a time of warm fellowship, reconnecting and meeting new Ukrainian saints.
The official meeting was held all day on August 17th at Samaritan House. Each of the Ukrainian pastors and many elders attended. As the meeting began, air raid sirens were heard, but we determined to not move to the bomb shelter unless we heard explosions. Russians were sending rockets into the region. No explosions were heard, praise be. After the meeting we joined everyone at a dinner in I-F that was full of good food, merriment, and fellowship that certainly made all the work and travel worth it. It was a very blessed time.
On Thursday, August 18th we traveled to Pidhaichyky and visited Volodymyr Yakubovsky’s church and home. Volodymyr was working on their church construction when we arrived, then proceeded to cook us steaks and host a massive feast.
While we were there, he showed us a property, adjacent to the church site, which had three buildings. The property had recently been reduced in price. Garry and I reached out to the board, and we approved the purchase and provided the funds.
On Friday, August 19th the last leg of our journey began when we left I-F and drove to Budapest, Hungary. Attila received us warmly and we stayed in his renovated basement for three days. Garry preached on Sunday, and I taught Sunday school. The church in Budapest is small but robust in its worship and fellowship. Pastor Hajdu was very gracious to us.
On Monday August 22nd, Garry, Bubu and I returned to Wroclaw. We were able to stop by and see Bogumil’s property which is well situated in a beautiful neighborhood of a small village outside Wroclaw. We spent our last evening of the 22nd with Pastor Sebastian and had a wonderful time of fellowship. Garry and I flew to Frankfurt on the 23rd and from there, home.
Since returning home we have approved funds to repair the church in Mykolaiv. Quick actions like this are possible because of your generous support. The ongoing work to aid the Church of Jesus Christ in Eastern Europe is the result of your lovingkindness for God’s people. For this we would like to heartily thank you.
Michael Kloss, for the EC